Sunday, January 6, 2013


The theme of this week is about the spread of television sets.


The television sets was sold in 1954. Those days, the price of television sets was very high, which price was equal to the annual income of ordinary office worker of those days as 200,000 to 250,000 yen and since we could not buy it easily in an ordinary house, there were many houses without television sets. Therefore, neighboring people and relatives gathered in the house with television sets. The television sets gave people pleasure. When the television broadcasting started, people knew only the radio broadcast. Therefore, the television sets which can see not only sound but also the moving image gave people big pleasure.


The television sets was broadcast with a black and white image at first. The relay of the Crown Prince (the present Emperor) marriage parade is said to have become an opportunity of television set spread in 1954. The diffusion rate of the black and white television set exceeded 50 percent in 1961. A black and white television set cannot be considered from our present life. In our present life, it is because the color broadcast is natural.


The color broadcast started in around 1960. The color television set has spread in the three to four years. Tokyo Olympic Games in 1964 was also the big cause for a color television sets to spread. The color television set spread soon at many homes, and the diffusion rate of the black and white television sets declined. The diffusion rate of color television set exceeded 50 percent in 1972 and the diffusion rate of the black and white television set was less than 50 percent in 1975. There were two color television set in one of two houses in 1984.


The thin shape television set was sold soon. Before the thin shape television set was sold, almost all television sets were cathode-ray tube televisions. The cathode-ray tube television required depth behind the screen. Development of the new technology of “plasma” or “liquid crystal” was progressed, and the latest thin shape type television set appeared. According to the graph of color television diffusion rate of class of householder age, withdrawal of the cathode-ray tube television is progressing with all the households. Especially the younger age group is the increasing speed. But the spread of thin shape television set is going smoothly with all the households. Especially it was extended by people who aged 30 and over. And a tendency is seen aged 29 and below, cathode-ray tube television is withdrawn positively, it has seldom changed for thin shape television set (comparing with other generations).


When it sees in this way, it turns out that spread of television sets began from the black and white television set, and it has developed into the color television set. I think it very difficult to develop into a color image from black and white image. However, Japanese people have progressed even like this in ten of years. The further future development is pleasure.

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