Saturday, December 15, 2012


Development of the Television Sets which change light and darkness into electric strength and tell far away was started in Britain by Willoughby Smith and Joseph May in 1873. The light and darkness of each part of screen was changed into electric strength by many photoelectric conversion elements and multiple-wire system television sent using the transmission path of the same number was devised by GeorgeR.Carey in 1875. Elster and Geitel of Germany invented the phototube which makes an alkaline metal the negative pole in 1889. K.F.Braun of Germany invented the cathode-ray tube and made Photoelectric conversion element progressed in 1897.Boris Lvovich Rosing of Russia conducted the television experiment for the first time, but it was told that image was faint in 1907. The Television sets development in Japan was started by Takayanagi Kenjiro in 1925. He succeeds in electrical transmission and televising by the cathode-ray tube first in the world in 1926. Television sets of Japan were born in 1927. Man's face was projected on television in Japan for the first time in 1928. It is the year that succeeded in the electronic television experiment for the first time in the world. And Baird of the U.S. succeeded in an experiment of a color television. Germany started Full-service broadcasting in 1935, and broadcasted live the Berlin Olympic Games convention in 1936. Color Television Experiment Broadcast started in the U.S. in 1940. The television sets research in Japan was stopped by Pacific War in 1941. In 1953, the NHK television broadcasting was started (= the full-service-broadcasting start of a black and white set) and Nippon Television also was started its service same year. The color television broadcast started in the U.S. in 1954. And street television appears in Japan in same year. NHK color television experiment broadcast was started in 1956. NHK educational television broadcast started in 1959. And Asahi Television and Fuji Television was started its service same year. The Crown Prince and Ms. Michiko marriage parade was broadcasted live too. (2 million televisions were spread.) The four NHK commercial broadcasting company was started color television broadcast. And color full-service broadcasting started. It was succeeded in the live telecast by an artificial satellite for the first time in the world in 1963. Tokyo Olympic Games was relayed in 1964. It was changed from color-television test broadcast into full-service in 1966. NHK television changed all program into color in 1972. On the other hand, the spread of videotape recorders at the home in Japan was started in the second half of the 1970s.Multiplex Broadcasting (Bilingual Broadcast, Stereo, Etc.) was started in 1982. High-definition Television Sale was started in 1990. Test Broadcast was started in 1991 and Super Hi-Vision Research was started in 1995. Color-television domestic shipment exceeded 10 million sets in 1996. Thin "Flat TV" appeared in same year. Land-based digital broadcasting was started in the U.S. in 1998. It is the first year of the 3D televisions in 2010. Such 3D was needed in exclusive glasses. 3D television watched without glasses appeared at the last of the year. Terrestrial analog television was ended in 2011. =  The completion of a change to digital broadcasting (also in case of BS).

1 comment:

  1. This blog was able to be known the history and the circumstances of television. Moreover, the background of change of a color television was also able to be known. Although now it was a time of 3D television, it became pleasure about how television will evolve in the future.
